
Project: The Spinning Seal
Date: 15/07/2023
Subject: Anomalous marine animal recovered from Arctic ocean

The following document summarizes the findings of the research team sent by IceX, an exploration company that conducts expeditions and research in extreme environments, to investigate the unusual animal that was spotted in the Arctic ocean by a group of their explorers. The animal, henceforth referred to as ‘The Spinning Seal’, was captured and transported to a nearby facility for further analysis.The Spinning Seal appears to be a normal harp seal, a species of earless seal that is native to the northern Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The Spinning Seal has a white fur coat with black spots, a black nose, and dark eyes. The Spinning Seal has a body length of about 1.8 meters and a weight of about 140 kilograms. The Spinning Seal has no markings or tags that indicate its origin or identity.The Spinning Seal is anomalous and potentially dangerous. It has the ability to spin its body at incredible speeds, creating powerful whirlpools and waves in the water. The Spinning Seal can also spin in the air, flying and gliding for short distances. The Spinning Seal can control the direction and intensity of its spinning, as well as stop and resume it at will. The Spinning Seal can use its spinning as a means of locomotion, defense, or attack.The Spinning Seal is sentient and playful. It seems to enjoy spinning and performing tricks in the water and in the air. It also seems to be curious and friendly towards humans and other animals, often approaching them and spinning around them. The Spinning Seal has been observed to communicate with other seals using vocalizations and body language. The Spinning Seal has also been observed to respond to human commands and gestures, such as nodding, waving, or pointing.One of the most remarkable features of The Spinning Seal is its ability to play music while spinning. The Spinning Seal can produce sounds that resemble musical notes and melodies from its mouth or body. The Spinning Seal can play different songs depending on its mood or situation. The most common song that The Spinning Seal plays is “No need to be upset”, a cheerful and upbeat tune that was identified by one of the researchers as a meme song from the internet. How The Spinning Seal learned this song or how it plays it is unknown.However, The Spinning Seal poses a potential threat to the safety and security of the facility, as well as the marine ecosystem. It must be protected and studied as soon as possible. All personnel are advised to exercise care and caution when dealing with The Spinning Seal. Do not provoke or disturb it while it is spinning. Do not touch or grab it without its consent. Do not expose it to loud noises or bright lights that may startle or irritate it. The Spinning Seal could cause damage or injury with its spinning.There are two ways to calm down or stop The Spinning Seal from spinning. One way is to offer it food or toys that may distract or entice it. This will cause The Spinning Seal to slow down or stop its spinning and focus on the item. Another way is to play soothing music or sounds that may relax or comfort it. This will also cause The Spinning Seal to slow down or stop its spinning and listen to the sound. These methods can be used even if The Spinning Seal is spinning in the air, as long as it is within hearing range. These methods are the only ways to pacify The Spinning Seal, as it does not respond well to force or coercion.Additionally, it should be noted that The Spinning Seal is actually magnetic, meaning that its body generates a strong magnetic field when it spins. This explains why it can spin in the air, as well as attract or repel metal objects near it. However, this also means that it should never be put near electronic devices or equipment, as this will cause them to malfunction or break due to the interference of the magnetic field. This could result in a loss of data or communication, as well as a risk of fire or explosion. Therefore, The Spinning Seal should always be kept in a non-metallic enclosure when not in use.