
Project: The Pen and Paper
Date: 1 4/07/2023
Subject: Anomalous writing utensils recovered from Arctic ice

The following document summarizes the findings of the research team sent by IceX, an exploration company that conducts expeditions and research in extreme environments, to investigate the mysterious items that were discovered in the Arctic ice by a group of their explorers. The items, henceforth referred to as ‘The Pen and Paper’, were extracted from the ice and transported to a nearby facility for further analysis.The Pen and Paper appear to be ordinary writing utensils, consisting of a blue plastic ballpoint pen with a metal tip and a white sheet of paper with a standard A4 size. The Pen and Paper have no markings or labels that indicate their origin or purpose.The Pen and Paper are anomalous and potentially dangerous. They have the ability to make what is drawn on the paper using the pen become real. The Pen and Paper can create, alter, or erase any object, event, or phenomenon that is depicted on them. The Pen and Paper can also affect the minds and memories of anyone who sees what is drawn on them.The Pen and Paper are not sentient, but what is drawn on them may have a will of its own. The Pen and Paper have been used to draw several things that have benefited or helped some of the research team members, as well as some of the security personnel, such as: a map of the facility that showed the locations of all the exits, cameras, and guards; a key that opened any door in the facility; a sandwich that satisfied the hunger of anyone who ate it; a flower that smelled pleasant and made anyone who smelled it feel happy; and a dog that was friendly and loyal to anyone who petted it.However, The Pen and Paper pose a potential threat to the safety and security of the facility, as well as the entire world. They must be protected and studied as soon as possible. All personnel are advised to exercise care and creativity when dealing with The Pen and Paper. Only draw positive things on them. Do not look at anything drawn on them by someone else. The Pen and Paper could make anything or anyone real.There are two ways to remove any drawing from reality. One way is to erase it using the eraser on the pen. This will cause the corresponding reality to disappear or revert back to normal. Another way is to redraw it and cross it out using the pen. This will also cause the corresponding reality to disappear or revert back to normal. These methods can be used even if the drawing has faded away from the paper, as long as it is still remembered by someone who saw it. These methods are the only ways to undo the effects of The Pen and Paper, as they do not fade away by themselves over time.Additionally, it should be noted that the pen is actually erasable, meaning that its ink can be removed by heat or friction. This explains why it can be used to erase drawings on the paper. However, this also means that it should never be put in heated areas or exposed to direct sunlight, as this will cause the ink to fade away from both the pen and the paper, causing the reality objects to melt into erasable ink. This could result in a messy and dangerous situation, especially if there are many drawings on the paper. Therefore, The Pen and Paper should always be kept in a cool and dark place when not in use.